Automatically creates calendar events for commute time.

Detailed description

Travel Time Events is a Google Calendar Add-on that automatically creates calendar events to account for commute time. On every calendar change (edit or create event), the add-on gets all events from all of the user’s calendars from yesterday to two weeks in the future. The events are ordered and a timeline of location changes is constructed. Between every location change, a Travel Time event is created in the Travel Time Calendar. The Travel Time event duration is calculated by using the Google Maps API to calculate the commute/travel time between two locations using the preferred means of transport.

Google Maps executed query results are saved in the user cache to reduce the number of calls to the API. Travel Time events are tied to real events in the user’s calendars. That allows the user to change the original event, and Travel Time events are going to be updated automatically.

How does it work?

The user creates two events less than 4 hours apart with different locations. On every calendar update, the application calculates the duration of the trip using the Google Maps API and creates Travel Time events in the Travel Time Calendar.

Privacy policy

User data is not shared. The application has no external dependencies, and does not use any external APIs. The only APIs used by the application are Google Cache service, Maps API and Calendar API.


The application is free.

OAuth Scopes

“” Explanation of the requirements of the application:

  • get all user’s calendars
  • get all calendar events
  • create “Travel time” calendar
  • create events in “Travel time” calendar
  • edit events in “Travel time” calendar
  • delete events in “Travel time” calendar